Wordle in Esperanto Here is wordle in Esperanto. Wordle in EsperantoDavid Ryan2022-01-27T08:57:01+12:00
Translations of New Zealand literature now on website We have included a new page on our website that provides translations into Esperanto of the Maori legend of Hinemoa and Tutanekai Translations of New Zealand literature now on websiteDavid Ryan2022-01-25T20:40:17+12:00
Australian/New Zealand Esperanto dictionary Here is a useful dictionary of common words and terms used in Australia and New Zealand translated into Esperanto: https://www.esperanto.org.nz/anzed/anzed.html. Australian/New Zealand Esperanto dictionaryDavid Ryan2020-03-26T18:32:27+12:00
Follow us on Instagram: nzesperanto Follow us on Instagram: nzesperantoDavid Ryan2020-01-13T15:08:06+12:00